Manage Trailer

Using the Manage Trailer module you can easily do the allocation of trailer to the vehicles in advance i.e. you can book the trailers for a specific time period in advance for the vehicles.

This can help the user properly manage the trailers in their fleet with easy allocation.

To get started  #

  • Login to your account
  • Go to  Settings > Trailer > Manage Trailer

The page you land on is the Manage Trailer overview page where you can have a look at all your manage trailer records.

To allocate trailer #

  • Click on the ➕ button on the taskbar.
    • Select the Company and Branch from the dropdown list.

    • Select the Object on which you would like to manage the trailers.
    • Click on the Trailer Allocation + button to allocate a trailer to the object selected.
    • Select the Trailer that you want to allocate from the dropdown menu.

    • Select the Applied From and Applied To dates from the date and time picker.
    • Click on the Save 💾 icon

To download multiple records #

  • Click on the download button on the taskbar.

  • A file with XLS/PDF extension gets downloaded based on selection.

  • You can share this file with anyone or can make use of it as per your needs.

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