Payment (Using Payment Gateway)

Bogo IoT is dedicated to enhancing user experience by prioritizing user-friendliness and automation within its platform. With a commitment to accessibility, Bogo IoT has integrated a seamless payment gateway, empowering users to make transactions effortlessly from any corner of the globe. This innovative feature streamlines the payment process, allowing users to complete transactions with just a single click. Bogo IoT’s integration of the payment gateway not only simplifies financial transactions but also ensures convenient access for users worldwide, further elevating the platform’s usability and accessibility.

Step:1 (How to identify the expired vehicles) #

To access the payment gateway, users can navigate to their Profile   or locate their expired vehicle on the Live Tracking menu,

Users receive notifications when their vehicles expire.

Step:2 (Select Vehicle) #

On the Right side, the user can see the Expired vehicle, Soon to Expired vehicle, and sufficient vehicle.

On the left side, you’ll find the Company name, total number of selected vehicles, Duration (Monthly or yearly), Total billing account, user name, user email, and user phone number.

Step:3 (Payment Summary) #

After selecting the vehicle, users can view their payment summary, including the total payable amount.

Step:4 (Selecting the payment account) #

The users can pay their fees using an international payment card or other mobile banking or net banking account.

Step:5 (Provide the necessary information) #

Provide the account information and submit it.

Step:6 (Done the payment and return the merchant site) #

After the successfully done transaction, the users automatically return to the merchant site. 

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