Reset Password

Table of Contents

Learn how to reset a forgotten password, If you’ve forgotten your password, this document will help in resetting a new password.

Before you get started #

Please Note: 

If an Admin is resetting the password then he will receive mail from the Super Admin.

If you reset a password for the Reseller account then Admin email configuration is a must. 

If you are resetting a password for the Company account then the Reseller email configuration is a must. 

  • You can reset it from the Login page by clicking Forgot my password.

An email will be sent to you with a link and instructions for resetting your password.

  • Click on the link given.
    • It will redirect you to a password reset page. 
    • Enter a new password and retype it in the box below.

Please Note:- Password must be of at least 8 characters.

-Password must contain at least one uppercase character (A-Z),

one lowercase character (a-z) and one digit (0-9) and special characters from (!,@,#,$,%,&,*,?).

  • Click on the Update Password button.
  • Now you can use your new password and log in to the account again.

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