Ticket Rising (For Support)

Introducing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system into Bongo IoT’s support infrastructure is a strategic move to enhance accessibility and streamline customer interactions.

To See The Status Summary: #

To access the support the user needs to go

Then select CRM

On the CRM, the user can do the following:

  • Search: Search specific Issues
  • Open: View the unsolved issues
  • Close: View the solved issues
  • Total: Total number of issues 

To Add Ticket: #

In Bongo IoT, tickets are primarily utilized for support purposes. Whenever users require any form of assistance, they are required to raise a ticket.

Click on 

Then click on CRM

The user is required to select or enter the following information:

  • Product: The managing or admin user, with multiple platform access, must select the relevant product.
  • Problem Overview: Users need to provide a concise overview of the problem they’re encountering.
  • Email: Mandatory entry of the user’s email address ensures receipt of updates via email.
  • Description: Users should elaborate on their problem within the description field.

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