Table of Contents
For the White Label of Web application, following information will be required. #
Login Page #

The web whitelabel includes two parts:
- Application Identity
- Page Layout
- Logo
- Background
- Login Form
- Login Footer
- Button Beauty
- Mobile App Link
- Language
Application Identity #

This part of white label includes the below points:
Application (Favicon) Icon:
- The image size of the application icon which is also known as favicon icon should be

16*16 or 32*32.
The application/favicon icon size should be maximum 100 kB.
- Application Name:
- This will be your application identification name
- Domain:
- Provide the domain on which you want the application to be hosted.
- SSL:
- The user needs to purchase the SSL certificate for securing the domain from their end.
- Please purchase the SSL based on the CSR generated from the question mentioned below. The team will provide you with the CSR certificate.
Please find the account details below:
- What is your First Name and Last Name?
- What is the name of your Organizational Unit?
- What is the name of your Organization?
- What is the name of your City or Locality?
- What is the name of your State or Province?What is your IP?
Page Layout #
The Page Layout is a club of below points:
- Background Images
- You can have multiple images or a video of 10 seconds to be used as a background image.
The background image size should be maximum 300 kB.
- Login Form
- You can define the position of the Login form
- Logo
- The format for the Logo is PNG, PSD or SVG.
The form logo size should be maximum 300 kB.
- Button Beauty
- You can suggest the color of the button
- Mobile App Link
- If you want to have the shortcut option for getting the mobile app link you can do the same.
- Language
- This will give you options for the language selection.