Table of Contents
Fuel consumption often known as fuel economy or fuel efficiency, is a measurement of how effectively a vehicle consumes fuel.
Fuel economy measures a vehicle’s performance by how far it can go on a given amount of fuel.
To get started #
- Login to your account.
- Go to Setting > General > Object.
- Double-click on the record for which you want to calculate fuel consumption.
- Navigate to Profile.
To calculate distance based fuel consumption #
- In the distance based fuel consumption field add km and liter according to your use.
For example- If your vehicle runs 5 km in 1 liter, then you have to configure it accordingly.
Based on that, you will see the total in the Fuel consumption report.
To calculate duration based fuel consumption #
- In the duration based fuel consumption field add hours and liter according to your use.
For example- If your vehicle consumes 5 liter of fuel in 2 hours of running or idling, then based on that, you need to configure it here.
Based on that, you will see the total in the Fuel consumption report.