- Create a company account
- Edit company account
- Helpdesk details on the company
- Set rules for the company
- POI Tolerance For Company
- Configure Maximum Speed for Vehicles
- Configure Vehicle Status for the company
- Device Connectivity Check For Company
- Set Currency Unit
- Web and mobile access for the company
- Screen access for company
- Provide data access for the company
- Map Configuration
- Email Service Configuration
- SMS Service Configuration
- Add a new branch in the company
- Add shift duty
- Private Mode For Company
- ChatBot For Company
- Social Media API
- Create a company sub-user account
- Edit company sub-user account.
- Data access for company sub-users
- Edit Screen access for company sub-user
- Manage Company Documents
- User settings for company sub-user
- Manage Authentication for the Company
- Manage Authentication for Company-Subuser
Platform User Guide
< 1 min read
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